2 Moments 1 Tree

2 moments 1 tree


All I could feel was small. A tiny, helpless human being placed on Earth, totally undeserving of all the mercy graced upon me. Why was I given the opportunity to sit and meditate in the same garden Jesus fervently prayed in before his crucifixion? Feeling so unworthy caused me to curl up and wonder how I could have possibly earned His unconditional love.

Julia Iwinski | Liberty University Online
Passages Alumna


As I sat with the beautiful garden around me the simple words of the song “Jesus Paid It All” came to mind. It was here that Jesus had cried out for the wrath of God to be taken away from Him. But, in His holiness Jesus took upon Himself sin and became the sufficient sacrifice. Once again I was reminded of the simple yet profound truths of the gospel.

Victoria Bevill | The King’s College
Passages Alumna