Here’s your chance to go back to Israel!
You must fill out the form below by ___ to put your name in the hat and we’ll be selecting a winner on ___
And one more thing—if you fill out this form, you will ALSO get our annual Passages sticker, exclusive for alumni!! We’ll send it directly to your address just for completing this form😊
Good luck! And, we hope to see you in Israel with us soon.
—Tiffany & the PLN team
p.s. to connect into our active online community, join us here
- Locate your unique Passages ID (ex: P######) from the email invitation or request it HERE.
- Copy and paste the Passages ID into the form below
- Fill out the form and all required fields therein
- Review all information entered on the form (Passages ID, contact information)
- Click Submit
NOTE: Any error in entry of your Passages ID will result in a delay in your submission.